Lee Craven Think Examples, In Addition to the Lie-Leach-Steal-Lie-Lie-More Lying-Leach-Break and Destroy Property:
1) https://youtu.be/WEJJFi7kUvo
Lee Craven Think: "It's right that all food on property that as yummy ($250 to $300 worth) was eaten" in less than one week (within a few days or so) while no work was done. because coming off of crystal meth (temporarily likely) causes excessive munchies. It doesn't matter if he broke into the Class C RV without permission after being packed up in a reported stolen truck and send to the property by Patty who does not own the place plus did not know the status of the reported stolen truck or Craven's actual intentions -- it's all good to break into the RV and scarf all food in sight without working a lick, because Craven, in his mind, is just entitled.
2) https://youtu.be/jy1bsWttAco
The way to prove one can feed and house one's young minor children is to feed and house plus yield to all of Lee Craven's lying-leaching-stealing-crystal meth use and abuse-stalking-property damage-neighbor terrorizing activities and sexual assault/violence/harassment actions. That is how one proves one is a fit parent - by parenting Lee Craven and allowing all of these listed deranged behaviors by Craven while fully supporting Craven (supporting his leaching while he does all listed)... And if you sexually arouse Craven by no sexual act on your part (i.e. he just decides you arouse him for some random or illogical reason) you have to engage in sexual activities with him - if you refuse that is child abuse. This is how Craven thinks.
3) https://youtu.be/cgoXuWJcnh8
According to Lee Craven the way to prepare for the world economy and all else happening would be to support Craven in the above listed (listed within this blog) actions solely and do nothing else - just pay Lee Craven to Lie-Leach-Steal-Stalk-Terrorize all of the neighbors so they hate you because you have Craven on premises-etc (all Craven's sick behaviors) while Craven uses and goes further insane on crystal meth, perpetrates acts of perversion-harassment-assault, and does no work. Oh and Craven believes for this he should be paid $100 per hour times 5-weeks as well, for doing only what is listed within this blog.
4) https://youtu.be/nCk8ulZzpPo
You do not need any chickens or any other food or water source. Getting anything set up for any reason is a waste of money and time because the thing to do is steal from the neighbors.
5) https://youtu.be/Ol3Ugi3kWUA
No need to grow or store any food, just steal from your neighbors.
6) https://youtu.be/lJwbUScUWFs
There is no need to grow or store food, just steal from your neighbors plus it is bad to water plants, even during summer months with temps near 100 degrees. If you water the plants this will train them to be watered so do not water them at all. Also if fresh rainwater is not available, because it is summer and there is no rain, definitely do not water the plants at all. When all the plants have died this is success!!
7) https://youtu.be/b6_NRGJpFKM
Don't worry about anything suspected or real at the moment, just take another shot of crystal meth and terrorize the neighbors, steal from the neighbors while continuing to live in perversion, lying, leaching, stealing from your boss and property owner, run around with your private part out trying to masturbate and demanding sexual acts from your boss who thinks you are VILE, do no work, destroy property like a fiend, whine about committing suicide by your 40th birthday but of course do not actually do that, etc. This is the Lee Craven way.
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