The original zero insight Lee Craven post about his former dog from April/16: " Anyone got any shit? I need to figure out what to wear tomorrow or what to use for transportation to get from Phoenix to Anaheim. #ProjectOdin" A word salad zero insight April/16 Facebook reply to others on his Facebook page -- from Lee Craven, having no clue why his dog was taken from him or why living homeless while loaded on meth, dragging the dog all over the city and manipulating others to feed and take care of his dog was a problem - why this made him unfit to own even a dog:::: "Project ODIN, that's to show that MY SERVICE animal was ILLEGALLY taken out of my care, I will be happy to involve you in the legal side of things, I mean I did spend 7 months incarcerated without charges to prove anything but I was assumed GUILTY before charged, also let's be CRYSTAL CLEAR there are some issues with MENTAL HEALTH organizations that have completely violated EVERY aspect of their 'CONSUMERS' rights and thankfully I want to make an effort to correct and adjust business LAWS AND REGULATIONS so that no matter what you believe is right or wrong, NOBODY should have the ABILITY to take away your GIVEN EQUAL RIGHTS." In Lee Craven's warped mind his constant senseless animal abuse was the behavior of a good owner. Lee Craven used to drag his dog to other people who had no ownership of the dog and thus should not have had to be responsible for his dog. Then he would throw the leash (a rope) at that person, abruptly order them to "take care of my dog" before he would quickly spin around and stomp off away. Lee Craven would be gone on meth fueled mega craziness, destruction, etc or get thrown into jail for meth fueled crimes. Later he would fully expect to come back and get his dog from whoever he threw the responsibility for his dog at. He would not normally ask the person, "Could you please take care of my dog while I do xyz (normal activity) -- he would do as described above. Lee Craven did not buy dog food for his dog. Others were expected to provide all the food for the dog. Lee Craven did not provide shelter for the dog, not even minimal shelter.. Lee Craven actually had zero interest in providing a yard or shelter for his dog. All Craven wanted was meth and he wanted to pursue his drive for his meth related sickness-crimes. Etc.
Lee Craven
Friday, October 29, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Lee Craven's Crazy Word Salad Nonsense Decoded. Do Not Hire Lee Craven
To put some of Lee Craven's nonsensical pretzel logic rants into a reality perspective: He is on the street, homeless, because he is a meth addict and at this point brain damaged due to meth. Lee Craven's drug abuse spans back decades - he confessed to me he used cocaine and crack, I believe it was and I believe this was going on when he was with now dead fiance Jennifer. Lee Craven lost his green card and now unemployed due to being loaded on meth. He is not unemployed because of a lack of a green card. He is not homeless due to lack of a green card. Lee Craven's alleged pain from being homeless is not cured or helped by meth. It's caused by meth. Lee Craven obsesses about AJ brcausec he believes or knows he can stalk her relentlessly, latching onto her-following her like the sicko leach he really is, to manipulate her in order to get meth whether he has money himself (from his fool family, his family that blames everyone but Lee Craven for Lee's behaviors or from others he lies to) for it or not. It is not because AJ is all bad or to blame. Lee Craven knows or believes by lies, by temper tantrums, by ridiculous falsehoods about alleged prostate cancer claims , by lies about pain from the loss of his former deceased fiance or son (the latter who was never even born alive - lies that he knows will garner empathy from anyone who doesn't know better), or by some other manipulative means he will manuver AJ into getting him meth (maybe by threatening or allegedly attempting suicide). Translation: Lee Craven will overdose on heroin to fake suicide (I.e. people who are sincere in suicide won't repeatedly do what didn't work the past several dozen times or won't, let's say, disable a gun so they can make a show of trying to blow their brains out in front of the person they're trying to deceive). Lee Craven is not feeding or saving other homeless. Lee Craven is simply out there lying stealing and using meth. If "the Indians" call Lee Craven the devil it is due to Lee Craven's own meth fueled demonic looking behaviors. If the "Indians" say he is the devil it truly speaks to how insidiously evil his actions look to others... When Lee Craven says he is on the street to save or take care of AJ this is a lie. Indeed whenever Lee Craven looks physically normal or sounds normal or claims to be "clean" it's just another lie. Lee Craven is literally just biding his time to STEAL from anyone he can, to scam, to con, to attack and to use more meth. Lee Craven's Facebook posts asking for donations of money so he can get a hotel room (because he is homeless) or for money for food are also blatant lies. Lee Craven wants money for meth. Even the SSI (seriously mentally ill) angle in his posts is in good parts LIE. Meth causes psychosis. One cannot claim they need support for mental illness and then use drugs like meth. No help, care or support for any form of mental illness will be effective while Lee Craven gets loaded on meth, creating psychosis, word salad thought patterns, zero insight, due to meth. As stated before at this point it is apparent his brain is damaged from meth. Etc. There's nothing else to it. Do not hire Lee Craven. A job and a chance to "get back on (his) feet" is not what Lee Craven is looking for and claims he is alright and has been "clean" for xyz period of time, thus rehabilitated, are always purposeful manipulative lies Lee Craven tells people who don't understand the mentality of a lost cause druggie so that he can get himself into a position to take advantage of others -- to later lie some more, destroy property and steal. Etc ******* Hint for the wise: You are not equipped or able to comprehend the degree of manipulation, deception, gas lighting, pretzel logic, and deranged drive -- the degree a drug brain damaged leach like Lee Craven will go to -- you are just not able to understand at all how Lee Craven will lie and maneuver to get loaded on meth, to STEAL, to destroy your property, etc if you personally have not been a hardcore meth head. This is how Lee Craven seeks to prey upon the homeless, the vulnerable and the innocent including potential employers -- anyone and everyone who has no clue of his derangement because they are not like him. Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflected meth brain melting that he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!
May/25 Insane Zero Insight Lee Craven Facwbook Short Post -- Do Not Hire This Predator and Do Not Give Him Money on the Az Streets
A May/25 (either May/25 or may/21) Facebook post from Lee Craven read:" AJ Pohan what help do I need? The world is watching, I'm here when you're ready." And below is the photo Lee Craven posted with the post. What kind of help does she mean he needs? It's more like what kind of help didn't he need -- a decade ago perhaps. At this point I believe it's clear his meth use has created such a devastating degree of physical brain damage the only "help" available would be for the protection of the public and Lee Craven's victims, past and future -- Lee Craven nerds to be in prison for life with no parole. Why? The reason why is simple: Lee Craven will never stop, will never get better, will never be a non-predator and he will perpetually prey upon all others with no capacity for decency and no limits. Watch the future mugshots. The nightmare of what Lee Craven is and does with no insight whatsoever is never ending. Lee Craven cannot even understand why he is arrested when he is loaded on meth and committing crimes all over the place -- his insight is so non-existent he cannot even figure out what's wrong with his actions. Lee Craven's own family, mother, father, sister, adult niece, etc will not take him in and will not "help" him. Instead his family blames others, believes Lee Craven's obvious lies, sends him money to buy meth and other hats illegal drugs with while they expect others who are not family to be responsible for him. It seems perhaps the Apple does not fall far from the tree in many ways.... A Looney delusional Facebook photo and post from Lee Craven, brain turned to putrid poridge pulp by all of his meth use. In Lee Craven's plethora of deranged and revealing straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak, pretzel logic rants he demonstrates his sick obsession with AJ who he has latched onto like a psychotic psychopathic stalker to feed his many vile, narcissistic, and drug wants, whether AJ has or does not have the illegal drugs Lee Craven demands of her and I'm sure others (through lies or truth, scams or whatever provably) ... Lee Craven has proven himself to be so brain damaged he is literally unable to distinguish reality on any level, including the reality of different people, people different from one of the objects of his psychotic obsessions here: Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflected meth brain melting he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!
Another, Yes Yet Another, April/21 Facebook Post
.... ......... ... In this April/21 Facebook post written by Lee Craven those "party products" he claims he needs to be normal is meth. Lee Craven is not normal when loaded on meth btw (as clearly shown in the attached mugshot photo) nor is lee craven normal any other time, at this point, for reasons already stated. Here's the copy and paste from Craven's Facebook page:" This is what success looks like, when you're the first to gain experience walking in the shoes of all that have followed after me once they trust it's not as difficult as it looks.
I can't get AJ Pohan to trust me though, she's the only one that has no value of herself, always has money, hotels,, cars and party products that I need to be #normal
I'll see you all in a year maybe. She went to get herself ice cream. I just wanted to see if my friend is alive, she needs to chat with him too... But she's too busy shopping.
Encourage her to listen for once, she is me after all. #clone am I hers or is she mine?
#moneytalks" Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflected meth brain melting he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!
Another Apil/21 Spewing of Derangment from Lying Thieving Property Destroying Trespassing Lee Craven - From Facebook (From the horses own mouth so to speak)..
Another April/21 dated Facebook spew of brain damaged disturbing verbal vomit written by Lee Craven, clearly showing his level of dangerous to all derangement and delusional thinking (delusional due to his decision to melt his own brain with illegal meth): "It's like I was planted here by being the first bean to sprout as a female that ruled nothing but an intended garden of eden, Earth is remarkably alike us, I think I was born here in a very distant past life as a female because my current life reflects my past and present completely accurate values for golf and flight being two things I've had unknown respect for each experience due to very life altering realities that come from both different activities as they are seen here today and since childhood no lesser important but soon to be realities to find fulfilment having ownership of being experienced in both fields.
The runway and the rolling hills of this golf course are the first step of sharing what is a known truth among friends and family familiar with some even relating to my sleep episodes of acting out a real scenario possibly from a past life experience or future one to be lucky of saying I'm trustworthy in that AJ Pohan may always have something to deny anything I say and fabricate distraction but that's her role as an equal opposite of the same initial design but just being an identical clone in the mirrored aspect with the same inability of being focused to achieve one goal of knowing how to be selfless without acknowledging it being gifted to others motivation efforts. We will all soon become aware of just a social media seed that's taken a lot of years to earn the experience which I'm sharing with people as I unravel my right to share what's fairly rightful to be my position with AJ's approval of being allowed to share anything that may allow dishonesty or lack of facts to deny the credit of being informed a choice to know is being practiced with the respect that privacy is also aonething taken into account as this is shared." ......... Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflicted meth brain melting he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!
Wake Up Police and Court System
......... Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflcted meth brain melting he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!
April/21 Dated Psychotic Mental Drool Written by Lee Craven and Posted on Facebook
Yes indeed more mental diareah spewed onto Facebook by Lee Craven, copy and pasted here -- not one word or letter in any of his sick posts has been changed one iota. Why don't the police protect the public and keep trash like this in prison? It makes no sense:"I have pre paid a room with a 3rd party and will leave the key on the south wall you'll just have to enquire in reception which room is booked under my name Lee Craven and explain that I did enquire about getting a room if I promised to pay by 4am because I had in my bag something that's worth more than a $90 room and that's the mail belonging to someone who may have been patient to have to wait so long to receive a small amount of cash for that individual to use and spend where they seem acceptable and that could be on bills that have no view of being kept up or something like a hotel or better yet some safe through historic recordable data such as medication such as Methamphetamine, Marijuana, cocaine, Blues (prescription monitored but slightly worth caution as people self manufacture then by just coloring then with Dr pepper and could risk being just nasty to find out the taste and offgassjng side effect is nothing but a crystal clear view you just got ripped off by some business pro, then there is heroin, commonly mixed with some G to balance the ying and yang matter of knowing the ingredients are known by the intended patient to be their preferred choice of highly available products found on the street to be incredibly available with little effort that removes the impractical necessary orders to stand and wait at a specificly designated pharmacy that require a minimum of 4t mins to fill your order and then you need insurance and additionally printed currency to purchase something as luxuriious as a medication that may just be benadryl or folic acid, salt or sugar.
Simply know you can eat sugar till you are clearly aware you don't want to backhand your sister who was your former brother because they are screaming. And consider salt good enough to keep you awake driving for 20 mins to get smokes that don't cause cancer.
Key is on the south wall, allow selfless to be your preferred quality of allowing someone homeless to receive a room to shower and rest with it being a pre paid offering for anyone with the random chance they stop by to get it." Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!