Thursday, October 28, 2021

Lee Craven's Crazy Word Salad Nonsense Decoded. Do Not Hire Lee Craven

 To put some of Lee Craven's nonsensical pretzel logic rants into a reality perspective: He is on the street, homeless, because he is a meth addict and at this point brain damaged due to meth. Lee Craven's drug abuse spans back decades - he confessed to me he used cocaine and crack, I believe it was and I believe this was going on when he was with now dead fiance Jennifer. Lee Craven lost his green card and now unemployed due to being loaded on meth. He is not unemployed because of a lack of a green card. He is not homeless due to lack of a green card. Lee Craven's alleged pain from being homeless is not cured or helped by meth. It's caused by meth. Lee Craven obsesses about AJ brcausec he believes or knows he can stalk her relentlessly, latching onto her-following her like the sicko leach he really is,  to manipulate her in order to get meth whether he has money himself (from his fool family, his family that blames everyone but Lee Craven for Lee's behaviors or from others he lies to) for it or not. It is not because AJ is all bad or to blame. Lee Craven knows or believes by lies, by temper tantrums, by ridiculous falsehoods about alleged prostate cancer claims , by lies about pain from the loss of his former deceased fiance or son (the latter who was never even born alive - lies that he knows will garner empathy from anyone who doesn't know better), or by some other manipulative means he will manuver AJ into getting him meth (maybe by threatening or allegedly attempting suicide).  Translation: Lee Craven will overdose on heroin to fake suicide (I.e. people who are sincere in suicide won't repeatedly do what didn't work the past several dozen times or won't, let's say, disable a gun so they can make a show of trying to blow their brains out in front of the person they're trying to deceive).    Lee Craven is not feeding or saving other homeless. Lee Craven is simply out there lying stealing and using meth. If "the Indians" call Lee Craven the devil it is due to Lee Craven's own meth fueled demonic looking behaviors. If the "Indians" say he is the devil it truly speaks to how insidiously evil his actions look to others... When Lee Craven says he is on the street to save or take care of AJ this is a lie. Indeed whenever Lee Craven looks physically normal or sounds normal or claims to be "clean" it's just another lie. Lee Craven is literally just biding his time to STEAL from anyone he can, to scam, to con, to attack and to use more meth. Lee Craven's Facebook posts asking for donations of money so he can get a hotel room (because he is homeless) or for money for food are also blatant lies. Lee Craven wants money for meth. Even the SSI (seriously mentally ill) angle in his posts is in good parts LIE. Meth causes psychosis. One cannot claim they need support for mental illness and then use drugs like meth. No help, care or support for any form of mental illness will be effective while Lee Craven gets loaded on meth, creating psychosis, word salad thought patterns, zero insight, due to meth. As stated before at this point it is apparent his brain is damaged from meth. Etc. There's nothing else to it. Do not hire Lee Craven.  A job and a chance to "get back on (his) feet"  is not what Lee Craven is looking for and claims he is alright and has been "clean" for xyz period of time, thus rehabilitated, are always purposeful manipulative lies Lee Craven tells people who don't understand the mentality of a lost cause druggie so that he can get himself into a position to take advantage of others -- to later lie some more, destroy property and steal. Etc                                                                                                             ******* Hint for the wise: You are not equipped or able to comprehend the degree of manipulation, deception, gas lighting, pretzel logic, and deranged drive -- the degree a drug brain damaged leach like Lee Craven will go to -- you are just not able to understand at all how Lee Craven will lie and maneuver to get loaded on meth, to STEAL, to destroy your property, etc if you personally have not been a hardcore meth head. This is how Lee Craven seeks to prey upon the homeless, the vulnerable and the innocent including potential employers -- anyone and everyone who has no clue of his derangement because they are not like him.                                                                               Are the police waiting for Lee Craven to rape some innocent victim while he is so delusional and Brain Danaged from his disgusting self inflected meth brain melting that he literally does not know who he is assaulting?? Are the police waiting for that victim  who reports him, obviously if that victim is not murdered as well. Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!

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