Thursday, October 28, 2021

Another Obviously Illegal Drug and Brain Danaged Fb Rant Written by Lee Craven

 Another obviously illegal drugged out FB rant from Lee Craven Rom May/27 copy and pasted in here: "Turn the cost of the next receivable days my Facebook is about to become retroactive, can that even be possible? 

Providing I am not arrested for something I have not done such as brake laws that are not being broken, lots of photographs and weird headlines accompanying photographs are about to start appearing on my Facebook also all photographs will be uploaded to an Instagram page dedicated directly for discovery reasons for an upcoming lawsuit, buying another van and on employed seriously mentally ill (SMI) and Tyler documented and organized by an unemployed transient shall we just say bum as we level is wonderful uneducated transients, that survey easier local streets in the valley of the sun.

Also in no particular order, I will share songs that may have an entirely different meaning or understanding that you may have had for as long as you've known when you believed was being expressed in a song as far as time to understand you have been wrong all these years by some of your pastest time favorites. 

Very confusing post when you ready to look at things in a natural as expressed way words have been shared to describe the meaning of this post and it's content for future postings I think I can give a best way of describing is only going to get weird but more relevant to any incredibly twisted tales of the crypt the I've been experiencing I saw some strange phenomena is becoming tangled in my life, which I might add being a transient the most simplistic tasks such as acquiring a printed document can take remarkable to achieve success of such a task, and I will add as of this posting still not succeeded to accomplish such a milestone at this point.

The name and which I am given by natives, Indian seem to call me, and that's 'The Devil's - to be very open and clear for several months I actually took offense to a fair accident and then I remember my father said that he has never done drugs, although I don't ever remember seeing photographs but I do remember a crystal clear self created image of his description from his 'Mods & Rocker' days as dad describe some of his youth years, his mom had specifically a vessel was completely covered in mirrors, something I soon learn to use as my complete and trusted tool for all this madness that I begin decoding that are happening in every aspect of my life, as such with the description expressed to me as the devil, viewed in a mirror means lived as it is spelled viewed in a mirror, additionally to my dog  personal experience only throughout my entire life have never felt one bit religious besides with my dog who now the actual creature itself as labeled now gets viewed in a mirror as can you believe it God and additionally he was given the name Odin when I adopted him as six weeks of age, ship posting now is a really good time future realized that you should know ever feel as though you need to be a believer in God so that you can be a good person, good people are people who are kind and selfless and have also made mistakes in their life and are accountable and live in the present moment continuing to be good people.

I'm sure many will read several times over and still find confusion, that is intended by design... School face shortly going to be heavily involved in all of this maintenance known as ASU, Arizona State University, a museum?"  *** Somehow lee Craven believes he is being brilliant and mysterious, perhaps poetic, yet in reality all his irrational mentally ill, delusional, and drug fueled rants are merely sick mentally lame displays of how permanently brain damaged he try is - how out of touch with all reality he is -- how loaded on serious brain frying legal drugs he is and how truthful the proven allegations against him actually are (proven with photos and more - photos do not lie)...                                                                                        Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!

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