Thursday, October 28, 2021

April/22 Facebook BS Written by Lee Craven

 Lee Craven being unemployed and homeless not due to the mental illness he has had, reportedly, his entire life -- including prior when he did hold a job and was not arrested and jailed very regularly as he is now, arrested regularly, but definitely cannot work or hold a job of any menial kind. The reason Lee Craven is homeless etc is because he is a severe illegal and criminal drug user, typically dangerous perverted and loaded on meth. At this point the meth appears to have fried and obliterated lee Cravens's brain so that even rehab cannot help him -- the brain ruin is permanent. In any case, here is the post Lee Craven wrote on Facebook, and likely one of those computers he claims was gifted to him was my children's blue Acer laptop, which Lee Craven stole (well he probably stole most if not all the computers he mentions in this post): "Because Facebook is incredible for each was to share our personal battles living our lives through directly intended pain and suffering such as walking unbelievable manners of miles shall we say I will confess my direction is priest and Washington to my local watering hold on a Starbucks to second wait for someone to call from tempe, I'm sure I'll see some of you over there in about an hour once I finished walking to the location smashed laptop is I'm going to go sustaining any foam of life because the battery is depleted and I use the laptop for no other purpose than being a method to charge my cellular device so maybe it could be sold to anybody wanting a project to just replace the screen in the charger and other amazing way upgraded computer that I built from several free donations that were gifted to me.".                                                                                                                                                       Wake up police and court syatem. Stop failing the public, stop failing all the hard working tax payers. Stop letting this perverted criminal out of jail!

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