Saturday, June 27, 2020

6/27/2020. Lee Craven Possibly Dead Leaving Behind Thousands of Dollars in Damage, a Month of Time Damages and 3 New Innocent Victims Whose Lives Craven did His Sick NPD Part to Damage as Well

Oh, how Lee Craven is allegedly missing. He is probably dead which is a world favor in my knowing opinion. Truthfully there are 4 likely options to explain what happened to Lee Craven otherwise known as broken vulture batsh*t crazy lazy leach and predator who leached off of and abused only innocent vulnerable women with innocent vulnerable children - using these victims to not only LEACH off of and take advantage of lie to and steal from but to destroy in his crazy Craven NPD temper tantrums whenever he did not get his leaching batsh*t crazy way. Yes, indeed meth shooting meth over-dosing freak show leach-craven. Actually, if you look up the meaning of that word Craven, it fits a lot of his M.O. Anyway, the 4 likely options: 1) Lee Craven over-dosed on drugs and is dead on the streets of Phx. 2) Lee Craven chose to try to threaten-terrorize and blackmail in crazy illogical ways (ways that are bizarre, irrational, and just make no sense on every level) by someone (a male I'd think) who IS what Craven thinks he too is somewhere in his meth fried delusional mind. 3) Lee Craven got shot and buried someone in the middle of nowhere because he chose to trespass and break-into properties that were not his. 4) Lee Craven is in jail (look up his wrap sheet info and rest assured he really IS that guy. It's not false allegations) or he is locked up in the county mental hospital. If it is #4 once he gets out he will loop to one or more of the fates listed before # 4. The only other option is Lee Craven went to Nevada for a job offer for some poor clueless guy who will soon find out Lee Craven is allergic to work, lies and steals and in between uses hard drugs (meth) and in between that Craven uses tales of his past to manipulate others.

Note: Negative statements regarding Annette or AJ herein or anywhere in other posts are based on statements made by Lee Craven, who as is proven lies. Thus statements regarding, for example, Craven's prior cocaine use and where it started, statements regarding stolen vehicles and who took them as well as why, vehicle regarding body scent, etc. are statements made by Craven and thus could be untrue or additional examples of Craven projecting himself or his behaviors onto another.

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