Lee Craven above photo: Arrested for violence and drug materials.
Lee Craven above and below before rampant drug-fueled behaviors got out of control. Keep in mind reports indicate Lee Craven injected cocaine prior to his spiral into living on the streets where he uses the death of his fiance and son (son born with issues that lived only a few hours) for sympathy and to manipulate people while lying to people. As tragic as these deaths were they are no excuse to years later behave as Craven does. Note Craven also had a romantic relationship with a woman by the name of Anette for years AFTER his fiance and son passed away meaning at that point Craven was certainly not too heartbroken to move onto another woman. During this time Craven abused cocaine by injecting it and after that Craven turned to meth. The true facts and timeline of events and actions are things Craven lies to others about in order to manipulate and deceive others. Note: Reportedly there is a restraining order against Lee Craven preventing him from going near the woman he was with for years after his fiance and preemie son passed away. This indicates domestic violence- something I saw clear evidence of when Craven was on my property and I wasn't even in a relationship with him where one might expect to see DV.
Roof Shingles I purchased never touched by Craven as Craven does NOT work. Craven only lies, scams, leaches, abuses, steals, gets money from his mother for meth, takes long walks looking to get meth, lies some more, leaches some more, abuses more, etc. and destroys property. Etc. Note: All RVs and buildings were purchased and placed on the property by me. Craven did not work.
Fencing material I bought never touched by Craven.
Lumber I bought never used for building anything by Craven but certainly tossed around my Craven making a mess and exposing costly lumber to rain.
Lumber I bought never used by Craven to do work. All structures on the property were completed BEFORE Craven arrived and Craven did nothing but what is described herein. These photos do also show the locks Craven ripped off of doors though, destroying the doors completely in the process.
Lumber I purchased that Craven did not disturb but clearly he also did not use this material to do any work. Craven does not do work.
Tent shed full of storage and supplies as Craven did not put up the metal shed. Craven did however seemingly lose all of the nuts-bolts-screws-hardware for this $400 metal shed, which with no hardware cannot be assembled by anyone else either.
The way Craven puts grocery items away. He does not. This photo and some photos below are of grocery items I put in the tent shed. I also purchased all items. Lee Craven did not purchase anything-- he only leached, destroyed, etc.
Dog food I bought for Odin at the time. Craven did not even put his dogs food away. He just left it to rot in the tent shed. It is now MY dog food as I bought it and Craven was fired.
Various photos of good human food in the Class C RV. Craven lied to police telling them he had to shatter the window in the trailer because I had locked him out of where all of the food and water were. This was a deranged blatant Craven lie. All the food and water except a few small items were all in the Class C RV Craven had full access too. More food and water were in the tent shed which Craven had full access too. Additionally, this was a point where Craven was fired and told he had to LEAVE the property. Transportation back to the valley was available. Craven refused to leave and then Craven shattered my new trailer window, lied to police, did added property damaged. walked all over the neighborhood lying about me to neighbors and terrorizing neighbors, threatening at least one neighbor (Craven threatened to smash the neighbor's Jeep windows apart of the neighbor did not look my ex-husband's phone # up for him online - an ex-husband from years BEFORE I bought this property), and more.
Note: This is how I put food away. Craven didn't put food away. He just left it around like trash.
All food that was in the Class C RV Craven had access too even though Craven was FIRED already and told to LEAVE the property.
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