Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lee Craven (Arizona) Overview of Who He is and Some Damages He Caused - Recap

 Lee Craven in Arizona 2019. Arrest Photo. Note: Craven should have been arrested and jailed for the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS OF 4-5 WEEKS OF TIME which he cost me, plus the deranged perverted incomprehensible and bizarre off the wall sexual harassment bordering on assault he cost me as well --but Craven is a smooth liar and I'd had to leave my own home to avoid the assault by Craven against me likely becoming more serious. Thus the locals believed Craven initially. I just wasn't there to tell my side of the story, show the photos on my phone, show the crazed abusive deranged and threatening texts from Craven on my phone, etc. In any case, I am now showing some of the material on my phone right here.
 Lee Craven before he abused hard drugs so severely - photos above and below. Note Craven was abusing cocaine for numerous years, injecting it, and then Craven began abusing Meth. Prior to this serious drug use and abuse, I posit Craven was the same deranged person, but he was able to cover it up better, in public at least.
Note: The details of how Craven got onto my property in the first place and got an opportunity to do better than roaming the streets of Phoenix with his dog Odin, dragging Odin all over the scalding hot valley while relying on donations from others to feed Odin, as Odin heat stroked, as his other dog Toby died on the street, and while Craven chased, basically as it turns out stalked a woman named AJ all over the valley ---- in any case, the story of how Craven was given an opportunity to have a nicer life in exchange for some work can be seen in the FIRST blog page on this site, just scroll down and keep on scrolling until you find it. In the meantime, I somewhat apologize for my anger at Craven. I am angry because he caused thousands of dollars in property damage, cost me 4-5 weeks in time (right now as COVID 19 is raging once again, the economy is tanking, civil unrest in brewing and WWIII might be on the horizon plus everything else - a bad time to be cost 4-5weeks of precious time), and he harassed me as well.. Lee Craven is a danger to others and to himself. Lee Craven cannot be trusted with any property, work, or anything else. Beware of Lee Craven no matter what lies he tells.... Lee Craven is, in my opinion, a decompensated narcissist who by his own reporting is also bi-polar and a meth user (abuser as by his own reports he has repeatedly tried to kill himself via drug overdose).. The woman by the name of AJ allegedly has phone video of attempts Craven took to end his life always by overdosing for no good reason whatsoever, like all the property damage he perpetrated against me for no good reason whatsoever -- not to popularize suicide typically has a good reason. However, Lee Craven's reported reasons are beyond bizarre, incomprehensible and pointless....................................................................................................
 Again: Locks Lee Craven tore off doors and mangled. He destroyed the door to the Class C RV in the process.
 Lumber Lee Craven tore up but never used to do any work. Just left it tore up to the weather, rain, sun, etc.
 Trash, bottles of urine (gallon bottles of urine) and items from RV Craven tossed and left outside.
 Broken locks - Craven tore these off doors for no reason. The reason he gave for ripping the Class C RV door apart was he had gotten in there to use the RV but he wanted to empty the RV out. He had NO permission to do any of this.
 More locks Craven tore apart damaging doors in the process.
 Driver's seat Craven ripped out of the RV. Left to the weather and in the yard to clutter up the yard, make it look like worst-case scenario Indian Rez, etc. He had been flat out told by more than one person to NOT do these things.
 More locks torn off and destroyed by Craven -- for no reason and with no permission. He had been told "NO."
 Trash created and left - dumped by Craven.
 Trailer window smashed out by Craven. This was NOT his space. He lied to police stating all the food and water was in this trailer and he was locked out of it. Blatant lie. However, unknown to the owner, and with absolutely NO permission whatsoever, Craven had placed his syringe with Meth in this trailer... So he smashed out the window, creating costly damage, and lied to the police. The owner had to leave her own property to avoid further sexual harassment and potential assault and Craven had already previously been fired and told to leave. Craven refused to leave and instead demanded to be paid $100 per hour for 5 weeks of "work". These photos show all Craven did while there -- no work, only leaching, lying, and property damage. When Craven was finally removed it was proven he also stole property as stolen items were found in his backpack plus he stole a blue Acer laptop computer.... Other items are also missing and Craven was the only one who had access to steal those items. After being fired and actually known to the owner before being fired, Lee Craven was busy trying to destroy the owner's personal life in bizarre deranged stalker mentality ways that make no logical sense whatsoever -- like by threatening a neighbor in the area after being fired demanding this neighbor provide Lee Craven with the property owner's ex-husband's phone # (look the # up online for Craven)... The ex had been an ex for YEARS before this property was purchased so the property owner was in no way in the wrong and the ex had no legal right whatsoever in this situation. Nonetheless Lee Craven threatened to smash a neighbor's jeep apart if the neighbor did not look up the number online and give it to Lee Craven. The neighbor refused. Lee Craven tossed his dog Odin's leash at the neighbor and told the neighbor he better take care of the dog as Lee Craven stalked away only to return later to further harass the neighbor. Many in the area were harassed and felt threatened by Lee Craven's statements and actions. Etc.
 Broken glass from window Lee Craven smashed out of the trailer he was not supposed to be in to begin with...
 Destroyed camera's Lee Craven tore off of the rood and left mangled in the dirt. There is another more costly camera Lee Craven tore off of a tree and also left in the dirt mangled and destroyed.

 Another lock Lee Craven tore off of a door with no permission to do so and left mangled in the dirt. Lee Craven did NO work and there was no reason for him to access anything by tearing locks off.. There was no reason for Lee Craven to access anything period.

 Various photos of the roof tiles, shingles, Lee Craven ripped off of the roof I had half completed and Lee Craven left the shingles everywhere. Craven also left the rood full of nail holes to leak as a rainstorm came in.. Then Craven lied stating he had re-done the roof and it was good, it would not leak with the rain because he had completed re-doing the roof. All a total lie. The owner (me) has since had tore-do the entire roof with roof tar and shingles..

 Shingles everywhere from Lee Craven ripping them off the roof ..

 Above: The camera's Lee Craven ripped off the roof, broke and left mangled in the dirt.
 A huge exposed disturbed lumber mess. Lee Craven pushed costly lumber around, left it exposed to weather and no longer covered with the tarp but Craven did no work.

 The window Lee Craven smashed out again and broken glass from this all over the ground.

 More photos of the locks and hasps Lee Craven tore off doors, damaging the RV door beyond repair (it had to be replaced completely)_..

 The shed door where Lee Craven tore the lock apart though Craven did no work. It was recently discovered the Lee Craven also ransacked the entire inside of the shed so it is such a mess no one can stand or walk anywhere in it anymore.

 There is a $400 metal shed on the property that Lee Craven lost or stole all of the hardware for (bolts, screws, etc) but he did no work so he did not assemble the metal shed. Note: Lee Craven paid for absolutely NOTHING. None of this was his property. Lee Craven was given a chance to do some work for a place for himself-his dog and AJ (if she wanted to stay) to live in exchange for doing work. He did no work. He abused AJ so AJ ran away and Lee Craven's dog did nothing as well by cause problems, breaking solar lights, chasing the cats and attempting to kill the chickens, etc. This wasn't Craven's property... But Craven destroyed thousands of dollars work plus cost me 4-5 weeks of time that is impossible to make up..Etc.
 Lee Craven used every dish in the Class C RV and then left the dishes in tubs of water eventually full of flies until the water vanished and the metal pots-pans-dishes all rusted. These items were not owned by Lee Craven either but now they are all rusted. Apparently Craven thought not only did he have some right to leach. Not only did he have some right to destroy property in his deranged thoughts, but he also had the right to have someone else clean up after him as he did no work, leached, lied, broke property, tore everything apart, abused, harassed, looked all over the neighborhood for meth, got money from his mother for drugs,etc.
Note: Lee Craven also insisted plants should only be watered with rainwater. As it is summer there was no rainwater collected (only one storm and water was not collected). Therefore. Craven simply did not water any of the plants, which led to many plants dying. Another note: Lee Craven also did not water or feed the animals on the property. He stated he was teaching AJ a lesson by not doing what was supposed to be her work before she ran away (because he abused her - something he never mentioned) -- Craven also refused to clean up after the animals. Considering Craven did no other work one would think he would at least feed and water animals, yet he did not. This was supposed to be a work for a place to live and food-water exchange, which Lee Craven had no intention of honoring in any part...  ** Later, however, in ranting texts, Craven repeatedly stated he was going to call authorities and show them the condition of the animals (those conditions he had created) and have them take my animals away. A little more about how Craven lies in texts and attempts to perhaps shock, horrify, scare, terrorize his target into saying anything he can lie about, twist, take out of context, use to cause more trouble for his target-victim. This would be how he as an NPD would empower himself to continue using and abusing the target-victim. A word to the wise -- beware, if Craven is not dead at this point due to his drug abuse and other actions, do not hire Craven to do work, etc. ** However, should anyone ever make the horrific mistake of hiring scum like Lee Craven, perhaps the things to do when the abuser (Lee Craven) attempts to shock-horrify-terrorize you into texting anything he can lie about, twist, take out of context is to instead of being shocked as you are straight-laced and just out of your personal depth plus caught off guard, blindsided, (remember this abuser chose you because you are vulnerable and innocent) is to either repeat the exact same message over and over (i.e." I fired you. Granma Patsy fired you. Everyone fired you. You have been told to leave. You are fired.") or alternatively go full throttle with his delusional bizarre attempted traps to LIE about you (i.e. Yup Lee I raped you, I sure did pick you up, throw you to the ground, and ripped your clothing off. And sure too I'm the biggest hardcore drug dealer on the planet, sure am. Yep I tied you down and made you inject drugs with animal vaccine syringes. Yuppers. I'm the queen of Alien princesses too. Now you are fired and you need to leave." ). I'm not sure, other than getting shocked and horrified does not work because scum like Craven knows nothing but how to lie, leach, steal, and abuse. The abuser (Lee Craven in this case) as he is real low-life seeks to take money, possessions, property, a place to continue living, free groceries, free stuff to drink, care for his dog or whatever he has from YOU because not only does such a freakshow creep pick vulnerable people who have something making them vulnerable going on in life but because the target HAS money-property-things and the low life wanting to leach has nothing. The low life has no willingness to work to get what he wants so in his disgustingly twisted brain he has to use lying, manipulating, trying to set you up to act or react or anything whatsoever (i.e. anything the abuser can lie about), tactics along with property destruction and stealing, etc.. There is no manner by which to reason with or be human with a predatory freak like Lee Craven. **
Water tank -- the lower half of it and an accidental photo inclusion. However, while on the topic of the water tank, Lee Craven would go through 300 gallons in less than a week doing God only knows what -- bathing his dog Odin a lot for one thing while claiming his dog liked to be clean...... Well sure, on someone else's dollar, resources, time, and property. Again more of Lee Craven'ssick entitlement issues (NPD) and leaching thought patterns and behaviors.. Do not help or hire Lee Craven under any circumstances and do no give him money..
Above: Lee Craven with his facade, his Jeckle and Hyde well covered up, on the outside well-groomed and fat.
Above Lee Craven still looking clean but probably already shooting up with cocaine which he ended up confiding he started with originally before he went to Meth.
Above photos: Lee Craven before his Meth use went beyond keeping a house and a photo of Lee Craven after. Craven claims he chose to be homeless to save AJ. This is not only untrue, it makes no rational sense at all. Anyone who seriously and rationally wanted to "save" or help a woman would have a home first-- for themselves, for her, for her child. Lee Craven seeks to prey on vulnerable innocent abuse victim women who have children. This is what his primary target appears to be and then he leaches, abuses, lies, steals, damages and blames the women for HIS own behaviors--then onto the next target/victim, he goes all the while calling his "mum" in England for money so he can buy meth.   Note: I am currently trying to go through the insane text messages from Lee Craven wherein he clearly either completely delusional or delusionally-intentionally attempted to set up text communication attempting to deceive those he planned to show the texts too. Therein are endless lies where Craven outright deceives or twists the meaning of something said or an event. An example: There was a cop camera in the Class C RV above the couch-bed. Craven in his texts rants how I placed the camera there to record AJ and he having sex. Reality: That camera was placed there because last time I left my property no one was expected to return until I too returned - no one was expected to be "working"on-premises until I too went back to my property. Then unexpectedly Gramda Patsy packed AJ and Lee up and sent them on their way to MY property. They were supposed to stay in a tent there until I arrived. Well, Lee found a side door unlocked and he and AJ went into MY RV. This was no expected by me or planned for. I was having a full heatstroke at the time grand Patsy packed Lee and AJ up and sent them to MY land. Clearly, that camera was not placed there to capture video of Lee Craven and AJ because they were NOT even expected to be in the RV at all. The cams only have a short battery life so by the time I arrived not only did I noticed the cam was removed, but its battery would have been long dead by then.  It is noteworthy that later I learned that AJ and Lee drove to my property in a stolen truck -- I did not know until later. The point is clearly they were not expected to be there when they arrived, etc. Another example is Lee's rantings claiming I stole his medication. This too is grossly untrue. I in fact went to town and paid out of my own funds for his medication. Half of my actual prescription medication had been stolen for certain, but I did not steal anything belonging to Lee Craven even after I fired him. In other texts, Craven boasts about how he is going to call authorities to come to take my animals away. What those texts do not say is that he was hired to be on the property to work - that would include caring for the animals. He did not care for the animals and that alone was about to get him fired and removed, yet in his texts, he twists it around yet then he also texts how AJ needs to learn a lesson and take care of the animals on my property (so he allegedly neglected and could have killed the animals to teach AJ a lesson).  In Lees texts, he rants about my touching his privates and arousing him though that never happened and he rants about my bringing him drugs though that too is not what happened - then he turns about and rants about how I made him inject drugs with animal vaccine syringes, which is also twisted, blatantly ridiculous and a lie. The point is Lee Craven will try either delusional or delusionally-intentionally to set communications up in an effort to shock someone into texting back anything he can use to continue to leach and abuse that person who he has targetted......

Note: Negative statements regarding Annette or AJ herein or anywhere in other posts are based on statements made by Lee Craven, who as is proven lies. Thus statements regarding, for example, Craven's prior cocaine use, substance use-abuse, and where it started, statements regarding or unconventionally borrowed stolen vehicles and who took them as well as why, vehicle regarding body scent, hygiene,  etc. are statements made by Craven and thus could be untrue or additional examples of Craven projecting himself or his behaviors onto another.

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