Monday, June 29, 2020

Scroll Down to"Older Posts" to See Photo Evidence of the Destruction Caused by Lee Craven

Why Lee Craven's friends and family will no do an intervention is beyond me. However, it seems his friends and family do not believe how his entire life has changed, how he is NOT the person they think he is - not the person perhaps he used to be on the outside only as I posit there is overwhelming evidence to support he always was a predator on the inside. Craven's friends and family treat any bearer of the truth as if that person is lying while Craven destroys that person and others' entire properties and lives. At this point, Lee Craven is probably dead, but if Craven is not dead already he will be dead soon as his behaviors are a one-way road to the grave -- a place where he delusional believes he will reunite with his deceased fiance (a woman who would not want him as he truly is inside and outside today) and his deceased infant son who would suffer the fate of Craven's dog Odin has the child survived. Thus even this delusion Lee Craven exists within is not reality
  • Lee Craven Lee Craven's "Friends" and "Relatives" respond seemingly to Craven's addiction, substance abuse, psychological crisis and downfall by either sending him cash money or pretending he isn't in trouble and causing a mega ton of horrific damages and trouble for other people. Videos such as this one shows an example of meth rage behaviors and the irrational behavior of someone on meth...
    Drugged Out Lady Gets Arrested After Harassing Store Employee
    Drugged Out Lady Gets Arrested After Harassing Store Employee
    Drugged Out Lady Gets Arrested After Harassing Store Employee
  • Lee Craven Lee Craven's "Friends" and "Relatives" respond seemingly to Craven's addiction, substance abuse, psychological crisis and downfall by either sending him cash money or pretending he isn't in trouble and causing a mega ton of horrific damages and trouble for other people. Videos such as this one shows an example of meth rage behaviors and the irrational behavior of someone on meth...
    Meth Head Gone Wild! Meth Psychosis and Rage!
    Meth Head Gone Wild! Meth Psychosis and Rage!
    Meth Head Gone Wild! Meth Psychosis and Rage!
  • Lee Craven Lee Craven's "Friends" and "Relatives" respond seemingly to Craven's addiction, substance abuse, psychological crisis and downfall by either sending him cash money or pretending he isn't in trouble and causing a mega ton of horrific damages and trouble for other people. Videos such as this one shows an example of meth rage behaviors and the irrational behavior of someone on meth...
    Meth Inside Out: Brain & Behavior - Aggression
    Meth Inside Out: Brain & Behavior - Aggression
    Meth Inside Out: Brain & Behavior - Aggression
  • Lee Craven Lee Craven's "Friends" and "Relatives" respond seemingly to Craven's addiction, substance abuse, psychological crisis and downfall by either sending him cash money or pretending he isn't in trouble and causing a mega ton of horrific damages and trouble for other people. Videos such as this one shows an example of meth rage behaviors and the irrational behavior of someone on meth...
If Lee Craven is not dead already at this time it is clear, in my opinion, and from everything, I have seen-heard and learned, that Craven will simply move onto the next victim that in his mind fits his "formula. This victim will ve a single female, preferably an abuse victim of some kind (for the vulnerability) either past or present, someone who is going through something-anything serious in her life that would create vulnerability, with one or more minor children (as a predator like Lee Craven will use the existence of her children to further le, manipulate and try to create further issues). Lee Craven well le to her, scam her and repeat his attempt to use the rest of what I believe is his "formula" to leach off of her, damage her property and life as much as possible due to his delusional state of mind as well as to create additional dependence (i.e. even if temporary, such as her need for him to fix things he has broken perhaps) or vulnerability. Craven will delusional attempt to use tactics he utilized on AJ who had an extensive previous arrest record on the new victims regardless of whether or not such tactics will be effective. The cycle of Craven's formula will continue until he is dead. It is evident that Craven's cocaine abuse for years prior and his now long-term meth abuse combined with pre-existing mental illness and likely decompensated NPD have fried his mind. Nonetheless, it is a pity, for both Craven's victims and perhaps even for Craven's sake, that he has no support source from his previous life that will step in and do the known things (intervention) that could at the least pull this predator out of the loop of seeking out new victims lives to damage. 

It is additionally bizarre in Lee Craven's "Formula" that he is delusional incapable of understanding the difference in the type of relationship. Craven appears unable to comprehend that a romantic relationship, such as what he had with AJ is very different than a working/job relationship with a variant woman. In Lee Craven's meth-fueled attack against me in earlier June 2020 he made many raging comments about my private area, which he had never seen or been close to and those comments were EXACTLY identical to things he had shouted at AJ when he was perpetrating domestic violence verbally and to an extreme against her in my presence (i.e. the first trip I made to my property after Grandma Patsy had packed AJ and Lee Craven up to go, sending them off in a stolen truck while I was sick with heatstroke). In Lee Cfraven's verbal attacks against AJ, wherein he was chasing her around screaming at her, he stated her vaginal area stank, she never bathed, she was dirty, he always had to cook and serve her meals, she could not take care of herself, etc. When Craven turned his rage onto me he made the exact same statements though none of his statements regarding me were based on both his experience (example: he never got near my privates. I did not ever have that kind of relationship with him) or truth (example: he also did not prepare my meals for me. He did not in any manner, not even in doing the work he was hired to do, take care of me).  Other examples in Lee Craven's ranting include but are not limited to Cfraven'sidea that he had to help or save me (i.e. especially n the ways he stated he was doing it -- it made no rational sense), Craven's threats to call the police and his idea I would go to jail (i.e. I have no criminal record), Craven's idea I knew drug dealers or a drug dealer, etc. It was as if in his delusional meth=fried brain every woman is AJ and AJ as she once was is AJ forever, all females he comes across are AJ as she was -- in his mind. However, AJ as she was in Lee Craven's twisted stories of her is not in truth how AJ was in real-life. It is clear that Lee Craven delusionally created a rendition of AJ fit to lay the blame on her for his own substance use-abuse, his own unemployment, and his own homelessness.  In this sick rendition of AJ not based on who AJ is or was Lee Craven could just blame her for everything that he was doing, the chaos and destruction he was creating-causing all around him everywhere and the downfall of his life -- he could blame it all on AJ and claim as he did (after I fired him) that this is what he had to do in order to "save" or "help" AJ. This is another example of Lee Craven being unable, even on any internal level, to take responsibility for his own behaviors. Even in Craven's original meth stories, he stated he would only buy meth to lure AJ to him so that he could help her. Lee Craven's life, damages he causes to the lives of others, and his own severe substance abuse shows this is another Craven delusion - dangerous Lee Craven Delusion.  However, those Lee Craven lies to appear to absolutely never ponder how Craven's claims literally make no logical sense. 

Someone could say: "Well I'm tough and I don't have any issues going on, no vulnerabilities, my life is perfect so I could hire this guy and give him a chance."
1) What are you going to do when he shows his true self and in the process delusional forgets you are not the sick rendition of AJ he is obsessed within his own mind and he acts out on this to a full extent?
2) What are you going to do when Craven comes in without of control boundary issues and breaks your property in shocking and bizarre ways?
3) What are you going to do when the cost of repairing what Craven broke is extensive and he is promising he will fix the items... Yet the days keep going by and the property he tore apart never gets fixed?
4) What are you going to do when he becomes obsessed with you and some deranged idea he has to help or save you and your children, but in his mind, he doesn't see you, he sees that delusional rendition of AJ. Now he is obsessed and you cannot get rid of him? 
5) What are you going to do when his meth-abuse becomes apparent, he is blaming you for it even though you do not use any illegal drugs and even though you are sober, and you cannot get rid of him?
6) What are you going to do when you discover all of the property he has damaged and that he is also a thief, he is obsessed with you, his vision of you is completely delusional, and he doesn't hear he is fired. You cannot get rid of him? 
7) What are you going to do when he has his penis out of his pants and he is chasing you around your place whining you need to put medicine on his penis, but even in his own mind, everything is twisted and delusional?
8) What are you going to do when he flies into a crazed rage at you screaming you have to do sex acts with him or else, you have to give AJ your car or else, you have to get him car or fuel or whatever or else? And you cannot get rid of him -- he doesn't hear that he is fired and he needs to leave.
9) What are you going to do when Lee Craven is trying to scam, lie to you, manipulate you, pressure you to take actions that are the opposite of anything you've ever done or ever would be willing to do and he will not stop pressuring you -- then he suddenly explodes in anger, has a temper tantrum or worse when you continue to refuse what he wants (keep in mind Craven has a delusional decompensated NPD stalker mentality with total boundary issues so he does not hear the "No" messages), yet at the end, when you've had enough, he also will not accept being fired from the job or leave.
~ Example: Lee Craven was pressuring me to use marijuana, which I have no history with and which I do not want to have a history with. Trying to reason with Craven did not work, Saying "No" did not work. Craven continued to pressure. When Craven stated the worst thing that could happen was that marijuana would make me sleepy but I could just take a nap. I informed Craven I could not just take naps because I have work to do Craven said that he could just give me a little shot of meth to perk me up. This horrified and sickened me, which caused more tantrum reaction out of Lee Craven. The point is that when dealing with a deranged individual like Lee Craven he will have no clue, no respect, no consideration, no sense of boundaries, etc for who you are -- it is about what he can continue to try to manipulate you to do regardless of the situation. Craven is detached from reality - from the real world entirely.
~ This above factor becomes worse, more of a threat to the life of the target or victim, if my belief regarding Craven's internal schemes to drag his target/victim into the mud by trying to get his target/victim to commit some kind - any kind of illegal activity or even any kind of questionable act, so Lee Craven can later lie about this should his target/victim stop being compliant to Craven's leeching and abuses. Similarly, if I am correct, Craven can use the target or victim's prior compliance to whatever degree it existed to attempt to control-manipulate-coerce the target/victim with the fact he successfully scammed-pressured-threatened-etc his target/victim to do something-anything in the past, even something-anything mild -- and of course should that fail Lee Craven can live in his delusions or lie utilizing the material in his own mind as a basis to continue attempting to manipulate, pressure, stalk and abuse the target or victim.
** The videos on crystal meth abusers do indeed show a general manipulation thought pattern used to maneuver sober people around the drug user is not unusual. 

** Example: Lee Craven's attempts to manipulate me into injecting his vile drug into his veins with the lies, manipulation attempts, scam that it was allegedly dangerous for him to do it, he could get injured or die if he did it, he was going to use the drug, it would be safer if I injected him as no one else was around (a manipulation that could work on some other people though it did not work with me).
** Had I complied Craven could have used his phone to videotape it and later use that to coerce me to continue to comply. Alternatively Craven could have just lied to others making me look like some monster that was injecting him with drugs or making it look like he was an innocent sober babe in the woods and some evil person was at fault for getting him high on drugs, even injecting it into him (i.e. Craven could just reverse reality in his stories, which I suspect he has done before - it is part of his "formula," and it prevents Craven from taking any responsibility for his own actions as it permits him to save face in front of others). Alternatively, Craven could have used compliance, in this case, to make me feel guilty or obligated to continue to comply with his demands. It is a slippery slope Craven could push many people down in numerous deranged different ways if the target or victim was pressured or bullied into doing what Lee Craven wanted. As stated before Lee Craven is successful in only one skill, he is a seven-headed snake of deception wherein Craven pretends he is a victim like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I am extremely grateful I did not comply with injecting him even though he tried to make it sound like he might die by doing it himself after he got his hands on his nasty substance. I am grateful my reply was that he should NOT use the drug at all if he might die. An alternative example, I posit, can be seen in Lee Craven chasing me around with his penis out of his pants pleading with me to put "medicine" (oil) on his penis. I believe this was another of Craven's deceptive slippery slope manipulations and his intent was to pressure me to apply oil in a purely medical fashion because he allegedly had an injury and then move on from that point in the same manner described in my previous example. Compliance with one step would lead to an endless stairway of more steps, all of the steps being actions the target or victim does not want to take, yet Craven's practiced "formula" is to scam, manipulate, pressure, coerce his target or victim to keep going. When the target or victim does not comply at any point Craven explodes and simply resorts to lying. This "formula" is extremely evident in Lee Craven's stories about AJ as well as in Craven's stories about Annette - two women Lee Craven's friends and family appear to blame fully due to Lee Craven's own deceptive reports wherein Craven paints a picture of himself as the good man, the savior, the caretaker when in the reality I personally witnessed Lee Craven was the abuser and the obsessed delusional stalker in his interactions with AJ, not the caretaker or savior.
** Additionally: What I witnessed with Lee Craven is that whatever lies he tells that make the target or victim reacts in a shocked or horrified manner are the very lies Craven will zero in on and expand upon while his efforts continue to hone in on attempts to manipulate, pressure, coerce the target or victim to do what he wants. This is a tactic that will work to at least a minimal degree with many targets or victims as they try to calm Craven down, appease him to some small legal degree, in hopes that this will settle him down and he will STOP the behaviors that are most horrifying. The reality, however, is that Lee Craven will continue ALL of his damaging, threatening, horrific behaviors and in fact escalate in those behaviors even as his target or victim seeks to calm him down.
** Example: When Lee Craven demanded I take him to AJ, stating she had contacted him and was willing to meet him and talk to him in the valley. As he was no longer in a full-out meth rage, still in shock from witnessing Craven's meth-rage, not having mentally processed what I was dealing with and not understanding Lee craven's insanity, in an effort to calm him down and convince him to STOP behaviors that were causing misery in my life I drove him to where AJ allegedly was. She was not there and my compliance with "Take me to AJ," did not even begin to result in motivating Craven to stop his behaviors of stalking me and others surrounding my life. He simply did not stop and in fact, he did not even return the blue Acer computer he had stolen from me. Most victims of a predator like Lee Craven will attempt to appease the predator by some act that is minor as well as legal, like driving him somewhere locally in the city, and this sadly does not work in the victim's favor. 
The conversation I had with Lee Craven when I drove him to where AJ allegedly was, where I told him to stop it, reminded him he was fired and not returning to my property, repeatedly telling him I did not trust him and I was done, etc. simply wasn't heard. Texts from Lee Craven after this event show he had no intent to leave me alone, no intent to stay out of my life, and if he is not dead a predator like Craven will continue to be a problem. 
10) What are you going to do when you discover he has a "formula" for all of this and although his "formula" is delusional and it won't work forever in the situation with you (.e. because you are sober, you have no criminal record, etc) in the meantime he can pull his act together for short time periods to manipulate and lie to others (short term only) and the local police won't step in and do anything anyway even if they don't fully believe his lies because he is drugged out. They don't want to waste resources on this and he has lied and told them the deal was he was just getting a free residence or free right to be on your property for as long as he wanted and that there were no tasks to be done and no rules. It sounds ridiculous, but in many places, police don't want to waste their time on drug addicts anyway.
** Specifically, it can depend on where your property, business, home (where work is supposed to be done) is located, the budget in that area, the circumstances of the world at the time (i.e. right now COVID-19 has caused many police jurisdictions to not arrest anyone who is not in their view an immediate extreme threat of killing another person), other calls police have going on in the area at the moment (i.e. is it an especially chaotic day or night causing police to be swamped and in no mood to take your call about a methhead out of control), is the place in the city or rural (i.e. rural locations tend to have a long wait for any emergency service), are you able to stay on-premises long enough to document all of the damage the methhead has done-is doing as well as stay on the premises while the methhead continues to assault you or the assault escalates and gets worse, etc. If the answers to any of these questions place you in a negative position for staying on the premises while a methhead like Lee Craven escalates then calling law enforcement probably won't be an option for you and staying on-premises means you likely will have to shoot and kill Craven to walk away in-tact yourself should you stay. 
11) What are you going to do when you finally get rid of him or so you think, but now his stalker mentality shows itself, and really you have not gotten rid of him. He is still running around all over the place obsessed with you and trying to find a way to get back into your business -- in this process, you'll be sleeping with a gun understanding he could return crazed and insane and you will have to get rid of him in a new way now. Lee Craven thinks like a decompensated NPD stalker. This is his entire level of functioning.
** Note: When I was finally able to remove Lee Craven from my property (after about a week for working on it with the help of Grandma Patsy who Craven calls "Mum" in some of his text messages as he is oblivious to how he sickens her) Lee Craven told me he was actually hoping I would shoot and kill him back when he was delusional meth-raging at me (i.e. he did not admit the level of his delusions) . The bottom line is that people loaded on a drug like crystal meth require numerous bullet wounds before they stop a physical attack and in the case of Craven he would not attempt to avoid being shot. So the reality is if anyone gives him an opportunity to work in the future if placed in the position of having to shoot Craven in self-defense the victim will need to empty a gun's clip into Craven and realize Craven has no thought of avoiding death through this type of event.
Stalker mentality:
~Do you have an ex-spouse that you don't have a good relationship with?
~ Do you have an ex-friend who you dumped out of your life because they did something wrong?
~Do you have any enemies for any reason serious or mild? A stalker will find all of those people and try to lie to them and manipulate them to do whatever the stalker would find appealing.
~ A stalker will contact all of your neighbors and lie to them about you.
~ A stalker will contact any and all business connections you have and lie about you.
~ How well set up is your home and property for security?
~ How trained and ready are you for self-defense?
~ Are your children vulnerable to attack from someone who is severely mentally unstable?
~ Is your children's school able to prevent the stalker from getting to your children anywhere within the campus grounds? 
~ What are you going to do when Lee Craven gets drugs and puts his drugs on your property, in your business or in your home and you do not know about it. Then he goes insane and acts out, which could for many reasons bring the police to your business or home --the police could find those drugs and this too can cause legal issues for YOU.
~ What are you going to do when Lee Craven's behaviors, in general, create a stack of police reports about your property? It appears Craven is so narcissistic and delusional he cannot begin to comprehend that not everyone is in the drug world and not everyone wants drama-filled illegal insanity linked to their business, home, or property. 
~ Are you prepared to deal with nonsense court filings and lawsuits, which will consume your time, effort, and money even if you are in the right?
~ What are you going to do when Craven won't stop feeling entitled to your vehicle either for himself or others and he won't let it go -- you can say "No" as I did, but the nightmare will nonetheless continue. 
** Example: Lee Craven demanded $100 per hour for five weeks of time. I calculated that to be around $28,000 (twenty-eight thousand dollars) for the damages he perpetrated on my property as shown in the detailed photos then this Blog. Craven literally demanded to be paid nearly $30,000 for breaking my property, leeching off of me for a month plus, harassing me and in the legal definition for sexually assaulting me (i.e. Craven's behaviors after he went beyond chasing me around my property whining about needing medicine on his penis while he had a bottle of oil in his hand was in truth an assault), refusing to leave after he was fired, causing me to incur additional expense to get him off of my property a week after I initially offered him transport off of my property, he slandered me everywhere he could, and after he was finally removed from my property he continued to attempt to cause issues for me plus he stole from me --- but after all of that Lee Craven still threatened to sue me for money. 
~ Etc. It is an endless nightmare.

Do not make the mistake of hiring Lee Craven for anything... Do not buy the stories, the Lee Craven lies, about this woman and that woman (it is always the woman's fault and in the end, they're all Craven's delusional rendition of AJ with a little variation here and there but his rendition is delusional anyway), how heartbroken Craven is about his deceased fiance and son or the sob stories about his dog. All of these things are deceptive manipulation tactics Craven uses time and time again to get in the door to use, leech, lie some more, outstay his welcome, abuse, steal... Craven's stories about what he used to do for work and the work he did on his own homes in the past too are nothing but manipulations as he has absolutely no actionable intent to do any work moving forward. 
 Above photo: Lee Craven likely during the time he was injecting cocaine.
Above photo: of Lee Craven after he was abusing crystal meth.
 Another example of crystal meth abuse OCD behavior:

Note: Negative statements regarding Annette or AJ herein or anywhere in other posts are based on statements made by Lee Craven, who as is proven lies. Thus statements regarding, for example, Craven's prior cocaine use, substance use-abuse, and where it started, statements regarding or unconventionally borrowed stolen vehicles and who took them as well as why, vehicle regarding body scent, hygiene,  etc. are statements made by Craven and thus could be untrue or additional examples of Craven projecting himself or his behaviors onto another.

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