Saturday, June 27, 2020

More of Lee Craven's Idea or Work. In Truth Insane Leaching, Lying, Stealing, Destruction and Abuse

Lee Craven Smashed Out the Rear Window in My New Trailer for No Reason and HeLied to the Police Telling Police He did it Because I'd Locked Him Away from all of the Food and Water. This was a LIE. Note: All RVs and buildings were purchased and placed on the property by me. Craven did not work. 
 Broken glass on the ground from Lee Craven destroying the trailer window.
The window Lee Craven destroyed again.
 Glass on the ground again from where Lee Craven destroyed the window.

Roof tiles (shingles) Lee Craven ripped off of the roof I'd done and threw all over the ground leaving the roof uncovered and full of nail holes even through a rainstorm. Lee Craven then lied and stated he had re-done the roof so it hadn't leaked during the rainstorm. Craven ripped THREE or FOUR packages worth of shingles off of the roof (work I'd done putting those shingles on) and he left the roof exposed and full of holes while those packs of shingles I bought were allover the dirt and everywhere else --whereever they flew in the storm... 

 More shingles torn off of the roof by Lee Craven. Again he does not do work. He leaches, lies, damages property, steals, gets money from his mother in England to buy meth, lies some more, blames others for everything he does, takes zero accountability for his own actions, abuses, leaches, etc. This is the true Lee Craven.
 Camera's Lee Craven tore off of the roof and destroyed. He left them on the ground, in the dirt after tearing them off of the roof he never put shingles back on. Photo below -more roof shingles Lee Craven tore off of the roof and another picture of the cams he shredded off the roof and broke. Lee Craven also ripped a more costly camera unit off of a tree, broke that one as well, and left it on the dirt too.
 Lee Craven above photo: Arrested for violence and drug materials.
 Lee Craven above and below before rampant drug-fueled behaviors got out of control. Keep in mind reports indicate Lee Craven injected cocaine prior to his spiral into living on the streets where he uses the death of his fiance and son (son born with issues that lived only a few hours) for sympathy and to manipulate people while lying to people. As tragic as these deaths were they are no excuse to years later behave as Craven does.  Note Craven also had a romantic relationship with a woman by the name of Anette for years AFTER his fiance and son passed away meaning at that point Craven was certainly not too heartbroken to move onto another woman. During this time Craven abused cocaine by injecting it and after that Craven turned to meth. The true facts and timeline of events and actions are things Craven lies to others about in order to manipulate and deceive others.

Note: Negative statements regarding Annette or AJ herein or anywhere in other posts are based on statements made by Lee Craven, who as is proven lies. Thus statements regarding, for example, Craven's prior cocaine use, substance use-abuse, and where it started, statements regarding or unconventionally borrowed stolen vehicles and who took them as well as why, vehicle regarding body scent, hygiene,  etc. are statements made by Craven and thus could be untrue or additional examples of Craven projecting himself or his behaviors onto another.

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